Monday, May 24, 2010

God's Power In Our Weakness

We all have GIANTS in our lives. Whether they are fears, trials, sin struggles, or whatever it is we have them...I think we as children of God, many times look at the giants in our lives and get overwhelmed and become very afraid. Because we're looking at how big they are. That's when we forget to look at God, and see how big and mighty He is. I forget that God is WAY bigger than the giants and that God is on my side...So, we must not be afraid like the Israelites were, when their enemy, the giant Goliath, was defying the armies of the Living God. They were looking at what they could see, and it crippled them. They forgot how great their God was. I try to remind myself that if I cripple myself and do nothing, then God is going to use someone else to do His work. Let us act and be like David, who was not looking at the size of the giant and was not afraid of how powerful this enemy was. His eyes were on God, knowing that God was way more powerful than this enemy. He was concerned with God's glory more than his own safety. He trusted God, but he also took action and God used him in a mighty way. David went up against him with a piece of leather and a rock, But it was not these things that David was trusting in. He came against Goliath in the name of the Lord! The giant came up against David with a sword, a spear, and a javelin. Goliath trusted these things and his own might & strength, and he was the one who lost. David killed the giant that day, with the help of God.
God use a simple rock, a slingshot and a shepherd boy to do something bigger than themselves. If we trusted God this way and faced every giant this way, how do you think the outcome would be? Trust God! Trust Him and believe that God can use someone like you...and someone like me...Don't let fear paralyze you from facing the giants in your life. How far will you and I trust our great God???


  1. It's so exciting that you have a blog, Beth! Thanks for the encouraging posts. :)

  2. Thanks Bet for this reminder to fight our giants in God's power and not to be paralyzed by them!

  3. Beth, I needed to hear this today. Your post was simple, but it contained some powerful truth. Thanks for letting God use you!
